Eventos Concretizados

19º Congresso SPAP/22ºCongresso SPC


A Sociedade Portuguesa de Anatomia Patológica e a Sociedade Portuguesa de Citologia, renovam a sua parceria em 2023 e realizarão os seus congressos na mesma data, num evento único que tem vindo a juntar cada vez mais especialistas e que já se tornou uma referência para conhecer as últimas novidades e discutir diagnóstico, prognóstico e orientação terapêutica.



III Congresso Nacional de Anomalias Vasculares

24 de março de 2023, Axis Porto Business Hotel


Pre-Congress Tutorial

Pre-Congress Tutorial de um dia, promovido pela International Academy of Cytology (IAC), no dia 30 de setembro, sábado, subordinado ao tema Update em Citomorfologia.


Aceda ao programa e registe-se no link https://www.cytology-iac.org/iac-one-day-tutorial/


Saturday, 30. September 2023 An Update in Cytomorphology



Durante o último congresso da American Society of Cytopathology, o Prof. Dr. Fernando Schmitt foi designado como Presidente do Congresso Internacional de Citologia que vai ser realizado em Baltimore, Estados Unidos, no período de 14 a 19 de Novembro de 2022. Pela primeira vez o congresso da Academia Internacional de Citologia vai ser realizado em conjunto com a Sociedade Americana de Citopatologia. Neste mesmo ano não vai ser realizado o congresso europeu de citologia e o congresso latinoameriano de citologia, sendo portanto esperado um grande número de inscritos de todo o mundo para este congresso. Convidamos a toda comunidade citológica de Portugal e todos os sócios da SPC para estarem presentes neste evento.

The SIAPEC and ASC Joint Cytopathology Workshop

Data: 15 e 16 de dezembro de 2023

Local: Hotel Best Western Ai Cavalieri, Palermo

Programa e boletim de inscrição > aceda aqui

Limite de participação: 200 inscrições online e 90 inscrições presenciais

Destinatários: Biólogos, Anatomo-patologistas, Técnicos de Laboratório Biomédico

12th Annual EFCS Tutorial – ONLINE

10-11 June 2021


Due to the worldwide spread of Covid-19 and the resulting measures that have been implemented in most countries, the 12th Annual EFCS Tutorial, originally scheduled in Trieste (Italy), will be held digitally on 10-11 June 2021.

The programme of this digital edition is available here https://www.efcs.eu/12th-annual-efcs-tutorial/ The website is constantly updated.

13th Annual EFCS Tutorial

13-17/06/2022 – Triest, Italy


Inscrições: https://www.efcs.eu/13th-annual-efcs-tutorial/



Lymph Node Cytology

Lymph Node Cytology – EFCS Joint Webinar of the Hellenic and the Croatian Societies of Clinical Societies, March 18, 2022





New on the ASC Education Website – Molecular Cytopathology Workshop

This online course provides organ-specific detailed molecular training, as well as general teaching on molecular assays and test selection. The course will empower cytopathologists to serve as experts in molecular cytopathology for both test selection and results interpretation.


In addition, following this course, cytopathologists can serve as an essential resource to guide oncologists, proceduralists, and surgeons on test utilization and interpretation.

Live Q&A Session on May 19, 2022 at 11:00 AM Eastern Time

Course Directors:

Vivian Weiss, MD, PhD
Sinchita Roy-Chowdhuri, MD, PhD


Speakers and Sessions

Maria D. Lozano, MD, PhD
Cytology Tissues and Pre-Analytic Processing for Molecular Testing


Sinchita Roy-Chowdhuri, MD, PhD
Choosing the Right Molecular Assay


Giancarlo Troncone, MD, PhD
Basic Molecular Testing Methodologies


Paul VanderLaan, MD, PhD
Lung Molecular Testing


Michiya Nishimo, MD, PhD
Molecular Diagnostics in Thyroid Cytology


Michael Thrall, MD
Molecular Testing in Gynecologic Cytology


Aatur Singhi, MD
Clinically Relevant Genomics of the Pancreatobiliary Tract: What Cytopathologist Need to Know


Esther Diana Rossi, MD, PhD
Salivary Gland Molecular Testing


Vickie Jo, MD
Integration of Molecular Testing in Cytologic Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Tumors


Christopher VandenBussche, MD, PhD
Molecular Testing in Exfoliative Cytology


Christopher VandenBussche, MD, PhD
Molecular Testing in Urinary Cytology


Vivian Weiss, MD, PhD
Molecular Test Interpretation and Diagnostic Reporting


Registration Fees:

ASC Member – $180.00
Non-Member – $250.00

For more information click here.

ECC 2023 – 44th European Congress of Cytology, Budapest 1-4 October 2023

Dear Colleagues,We would like to inform you that the 44th European Congress of Cytology will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from 1-4 October 2023.

The homepage of the congress is already active: https://cytology2023.eu/

You are kindly invited to visit the homepage and sign up for the newsletter. We also request you to distribute the information among your members.The two leading mottos of the conference are „combined intelligence” and „melting point”.“The diagnosis by aspiration is as reliable as the combined intelligence of the clinician and pathologist makes it.” (Stewart, 1933). This statement is still true in the 21th century, in the century of data based combined natural and even artificial intelligence.The melting point of a substance is the temperature at which a solid and liquid phase may coexist in equilibrium. It is desirable the reach this equilibrium of different ideas and thoughts in all facets of cytopathology. The Congresses main purpose in finding the acceptable equilibria points following discussions, debates during sessions, slide seminars, Companion Meetings and every official and private exchange of thoughts – using everywhere the combined intelligence.By this letter we would like to invite all member countries to hold Companion Meetings at the congress.For the Companion Meetings the congress offers:A time slot of 45-60 minutes.A breakout room for 50-100 PAX equipped with general conference audio-visual technique (no microscopes).Advertising the meeting in the Scientific Program based on the information from the “Companion” on the website and in Final Program (on- and/or off-line)The Companions are kindly requested to:Inform us that they would like to organize a meeting, preferably before 30 September 2022.Compile the scientific contents of the meeting.Arrange for the registration of all speakers.We look forward to hearing from you soon and meeting you in Budapest next year.Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at scientific@cytology2023.eu

Workshop de Citologia de Urina

Online, gratuito para sócios da Sociedade Portuguesa de Citologia

25 de Outubro | 14:00h

WEBINAR Sistema GENIUSTM digital diagnostics

Dia 14 de dezembro de 2022, às 14:30

Gratuito para sócios da SPC

Inscrições por email para secretariado@factorchave.pt


Curso Interventional Ultrasound for Pathologists

23 a 24 de novembro de 2023

SONOSTORE.GE Healthcare, Madrid

Mais informação em https://eventos.aymon.es/en/interventional-ultrasound-for-pathologists-2023/

17º Congresso Nacional SPAP et 20º Congresso SPC

Diagnóstico Molecular em Oncologia

A Sociedade Portuguesa de Anatomia Patológica vai organizar o seu 17º Congresso Nacional, conjuntamente com o 20º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Citologia, que decorrerá na Figueira da Foz, nos dias 19, 20 e 21 de Abril de 2018, subordinado ao tema

A Sociedade Portuguesa de Anatomia Patológica vai organizar o seu 17º Congresso Nacional, conjuntamente com o 20º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Citologia, que decorrerá na Figueira da Foz, nos dias 19, 20 e 21 de Abril de 2018, subordinado ao tema “Diagnóstico Molecular em Oncologia”.

O Programa, boletim de inscrição e submissão de Abstracts encontram-se disponíveis no site da SPAP em www.spap.pt ou www.factorchave.pt

IAC Tutorial | February 7 – 9, 2019

Worldvision Cytopathology Contest

Caros colegas,

A Sociedade Portuguesa de Citologia tem o prazer de divulgar a abertura das inscrições para o Worldvision Cytopathology Contest.

Este concurso é uma iniciativa com carácter global da Sociedade Americana de Citopatologia (American Society of Cytopathology – ASC), destinando-se a internos, fellows e citotécnicos e tendo como objectivo a partilha de conhecimento científico numa competição única que terá lugar na reunião anual da ASC.

Os candidatos a concurso deverão apresentar um caso interessante de citopatologia, que deverá incluir pontos práticos e/ou referencias a inovações em citomorfologia ou técnicas complementares, conforme o seguinte regulamento:

“The presenters, who would compete in the WCC, will present an interesting cytopathology case and would offer practical take-home points and/or new highlights on innovations in cytomorphology or ancillary techniques.

  • The contest is open to medical students, pathology residents, cytopathology fellows, cytotechnology students or a junior pathologist or cytotechnologist within one year of completion of training. The presenter is the first author of the proposal.
  • The submitted case must not have been published before the presentation at the ASC Annual Scientific Meeting. The five finalists will be chosen from five different countries.
  • The winner will be determined by a panel of judges based on the scientific content, presentation style and skills, and confidence when handling questions at the end of the presentation.
  • The five finalists will receive waived registration at the ASC Annual Scientific Meeting. The winner will get a wall plaque and a USD 250 cash award.
  • The first contest will be held during the American Society of Cytopathology 67th Annual Scientific Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 14-17, 2019.”


A deadline é a 15 de Maio de 2019!

A candidatura deverá ser feita aqui: https://cytopathology.wufoo.com/forms/z1fgpuwo0jcqrmr/

A SPC disponibiliza-se a patrocinar a viagem, se um dos nosso sócios for escolhido e chegar à final.

Quem se aventura?

18º Congresso SPAP + 21º Congresso SPC









21st International Congress of Cytology and 70th Annual Scientific Meeting


You are invited to submit abstracts for Platform and Poster Presentations for the jointly held 21st International Congress of Cytology and 70th Annual Scientific Meeting to be held,
Abstracts may be based on cytologic techniques, clinical cytology or basic cytology research.

Cases are not accepted.

For more information click here.

Submission Deadline is Monday, May 2, 2022


The “Worldvision Cytopathology Contest” (WCC) is back and will be held during the joint meetings of the 21st International Congress of Cytology (ICC) and the ASC 70th Annual Scientific Meeting from November 15-20, 2022 at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

WCC offers the opportunity to exchange scientific knowledge and goodwill in a unique cytopathology competition and an award to the winner at joint meeting. Those competing in the WCC will present an interesting cytopathology case and offer practical take-home points and/or new highlights on innovations in cytomorphology or ancillary techniques. 

The contest is open to:

• medical students
• pathology residents
• cytopathology fellows
• cytotechnology students
• junior pathologists or cytotechnologists within one year of completion of training

Deadline for application is May 16, 2022. 

For more information click here.

IAC Tutorial on Gynecologic and non Gynecologic Cytology

IAC Tutorial Fevereiro 2018

Sociedade Portuguesa de Citologia and International Academy of Cytology

Datas e Lugar

Do 23 ao 25 de de fevereiro 2018
Porto, Portugal

ECC 2018 – 41° Congresso Europeu de Citologia

ECC 2018

Datas e Lugar

Do 10 ao 13 de junho 2018
Madrid, Spain

Link site

ECC 2018