21st International Congress of Cytology and 70th Annual Scientific Meeting


You are invited to submit abstracts for Platform and Poster Presentations for the jointly held 21st International Congress of Cytology and 70th Annual Scientific Meeting to be held,
Abstracts may be based on cytologic techniques, clinical cytology or basic cytology research.

Cases are not accepted.

For more information click here.

Submission Deadline is Monday, May 2, 2022


The “Worldvision Cytopathology Contest” (WCC) is back and will be held during the joint meetings of the 21st International Congress of Cytology (ICC) and the ASC 70th Annual Scientific Meeting from November 15-20, 2022 at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

WCC offers the opportunity to exchange scientific knowledge and goodwill in a unique cytopathology competition and an award to the winner at joint meeting. Those competing in the WCC will present an interesting cytopathology case and offer practical take-home points and/or new highlights on innovations in cytomorphology or ancillary techniques. 

The contest is open to:

• medical students
• pathology residents
• cytopathology fellows
• cytotechnology students
• junior pathologists or cytotechnologists within one year of completion of training

Deadline for application is May 16, 2022. 

For more information click here.

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